June 15, 2009

Back in the Saddle

Training: Week 3, Day 1
Distance: 13.44 miles
Time: 1 hour 13 minutes
Weather: Sunny & 78 (Beautiful!)
Power Song: Are We Human or Dancer by The Killers

I'm back! As much as it stinks to be down and out for several days, I always experience a sense of exhilaration when I'm back full throttle. It sounds corny, but Muskegon Lake really did smell fresher, the sun felt warmer (I didn't even mind getting a little sun burned), I had a smile for every person and noticed several 'quaint' spots that would be good for a picnic. This is the part I don't mind about colitis-- I don't take good days for granted.

Since I missed all of Week 3 training I need to repeat it. I'm not worried, there is still 14 weeks before the Ride, so I should be in adequate shape by October 2-4. And my goal isn't to race, it's to finish. Two hundred and ten miles sounds like a lot, but when you break it down over three days, it's only 70 miles a day. If you average 12 miles an hour it would take just under 6 hours to finish. Even better yet, if you did average 12 miles are hour, there is a fully stocked restroom every 12 miles along the ride (remember you're dealing with the Angry Ass Peloton).
Doesn't sound too bad does it?
In fact, I bet you could join this ride with me. Stop it, don't laugh. If dark chocolate eating, Bones marathon, couch potato Amber can do it, so can you. And hello, I'm recovering from a partial bowl obstruction. If I can do, so can you. And who even cares if you make all 210 miles, take it 12 miles at a time. There are sweep vans that will give you a ride back if you can't make it-- but you can, so don't worry about. See you're mostly convinced. Wouldn't Northern Illinois & Southern Wisconsin be beautiful to ride in October?-- all the trees just changing color, cool breezes from Lake Michigan, cheese, cows, beer.... well, I can't guarantee beer. But cows and cheese, yes.
http://www.ibdride.com/ Check it out. My goal is to recruit 20 riders/volunteer crew members. You know you want to be one. At the very least you know someone who does.