June 23, 2009

Summer Haze

I'm looking glam as usual, but compared to Mother Nature I'm a sweaty, red faced couch potato.

Training: Week 4, Day 1
Distance: 20.7 miles
Time: 1 hour 38 minutes
Weather: 87 & HUMID
Song: Cowboy Dan by Modest Mouse
Training today was like riding a stationary bike, in front of the oven, while wrapped in a wet sheet. Despite the humidity I had a solid ride and covered a fair amount of miles. In fact, I was supposed to ride for two hours and my planned route wasn't long enough. I'm getting stronger and the distances are becoming longer. It's amazing how quickly my body is adapting-- remember I'm a dark chocolate eating couch potato that watched Bones marathons all winter.
With that in mind, remember I'm trying to recruit 20 riders to participate in the October Get Your Guts in Gear ride. If I can go from couch to 210 mile ride in five months, so can you. At first it may seem odd of me to use oh, not so glamours photos when I'm trying to recruit people to ride. Let's face it, I'm sweaty, red faced and have eye makeup running down my face (which I normally remove, but forgot today). I'm intentionally using these pictures because they are honest. You are going to sweat as a rider. And you are going to ache a few days. And it is an investment of your time. However your sweat, pains and time are all symbolic of what Crohn's and colitis patients experience everyday.
If being a rider does not appeal to you, consider being a volunteer crew member. No training involved. You just show up and become a worker bee. Get Your Guts in Gear rides are manned by volunteers so the most money possible can be donated to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, the United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc., Advocacy for Patients with Chronic Illness, Inc. and the Colon Club.
As much as I want everyone I meet to become a rider or crew member, I know realistically, it's not going to happen. So if you aren't rider or crew member material, please consider making a financial donate.
Everyone knows someone that has Crohn's or colitis. Everyone.
Who can you honor with your sweat, aches, time or money?