June 7, 2009

Michigan's Bathroom Bill

Training: Week 3, Day 1
Time: 0
Distance: 0
Power Song: Hard Sun by Eddie Vedder

My husband Eric is a commercial fisherman and today he was working in Leland (Fishtown). Leland is three hours from our house, so I rode along. I brought my bike with every intention of putting in a two hour ride, but I didn't get that far. Yesterday I was having some pain at the site of my former ostomy. Today it has increased. I've had pain there on and off since my surgery, and within the last year I discovered that my small bowel has adhered to my abdominal wall; however, my understanding is that this isn't something to worry about until it causes problems.

Today, I'm not sure what is causing the pain. I did decided that unknown abdominal pain, plus unknown area, plus husband out to sea and unreachable for several hours, equaled a high probability of me ending up in the emergency room. So instead I wandered around Fishtown.

I have to admit walking around Fishtown increased my anxiety level. There are NO public restrooms. The historic fish building do not have bathrooms, which is historically accurate, but there are no other bathrooms, even in the shopping district. The only public restroom is under demolition, and rumor has it when the construction is done the bathrooms will only be open to marina members. The restaurant where we ate actually locked the bathroom and you had to ask for the key-- at least McDonald's has an open door policy!


One of the most frustrating changes to my life has been the constant need to know the location of all bathrooms. I know all the best roadside bathrooms along I-75, plus the ones that I need to bring my own T.P. and hand sanitizer. For road trips I plan extra travel time for bathroom breaks.
The State of Michigan did take steps this year to help relieve bathroom anxiety for Crohn's, colitis and other IBS patients by passing the Restroom Access Act. Effective March 31, 2009 retail businesses must provide access to an employee restroom for Crohn's, colitis, IBS or ostomy patients. You do need a note from your doctor stating your condition, and there are a few provisions, but in general if you gotta go, they gotta let you.