June 11, 2009

The Family That Shares a Bathroom Together...

Family Photo taken Christmas Day 2001- 1 year after my diagnosis

Training: Week 3, Day 4
Time: 0
Distance: 0
Power Song: Song to the Moon by Dvorak

March 30, 2004- My CT scan showed what could be another abscess forming. It was just big enough to make my surgeon recommend that I spend Spring Break within an hour of him.

My parents finally had me right where they wanted me. No car. No money. Doctor's advise for me to stay put. And I was too worn down to fight.

Throughout this whole ordeal I can see where people might think, "Where was her family in this whole Britney Spears self destructive mess?"

They were there the whole time. Looking back I realize how strong my parents really were to let me make all those stupid mistakes. They didn't approve of what I did or enable me. They told me I was being irrational, and that I should listen to my doctors, but they knew they couldn't 'make me' do anything. I was over 18, paying for my own college, room, board and car. What could they do?

The incredibly selfish part of all this was that my brother was also diagnosis with colitis during this time and I didn't even care. I was too wrapped up in making my life work the way I wanted. Many families are broken over events much smaller than this. Disownments and estrangements happen. Wounds are made. And sides are chosen. But this didn't happen to my family. They held strong, waiting for when I would need them most.

My parents are the strongest people I know.