So, you may have noticed that I haven't been blogging for the last three weeks. The reason is simple, we've been a little... er... distracted around here. After three, yes count them, three pregnancy tests, I found out I was pregnant on July 21st.
August 26, 2009
Then This Little Thing Called Life Happens... Literally
So, you may have noticed that I haven't been blogging for the last three weeks. The reason is simple, we've been a little... er... distracted around here. After three, yes count them, three pregnancy tests, I found out I was pregnant on July 21st.
August 4, 2009
if it's not about the bike, then what's it about?
How far is that? I typed.
About seven miles.
Seven miles didn't seem that far to me. Of course that would also be seven miles back, but I wanted to get in shape so I replied,
Sure. It might take me a couple of hours, but I'll go. I added a smiley face to let B.J. know I was only joking about taking two hours.
If it takes you two hours to get out there, I'll leave you behind. B.J.'s reply didn't have a smiley face.
I met B.J. the fall of my sophomore year at NMU. I was living in the dorms and he was an RA. We naturally had an antagonist friendship. One of the first times I was in his room I bumped a lamp shade and move it from it's perfect alignment. Within two minutes B.J. adjusted it back. Later I found out that he though I purposely came into his room and "bumped" things. In actuality I'm just klutzy. That winter I took a job as an RA. I called B.J. a lot to 'discuss' my RA problems. I was actually whining and he didn't hesitate to point that out to me. I also called him when I had my first bout of colitis. He told me to not fuck around and get it taken care of.
Summer came and the campus emptied out. Our jobs changed and we both worked as summer security assistants. Basically, we lived in empty dorm buildings and made sure they were not vandalized. It was a job that offered a lot of play time in the Marquette wilderness. We started rollerblading together a couple of times a week (yes, some of those times were down the empty hallways of the dorms!). Then came the big bike trip.
On the afternoon of the Wetmore Landing trip, I waited for B.J. outside his building. I knew he biked a lot, but it was mostly rough terrain mountain biking. He was just getting into road biking.
When B.J. appeared I realized that his idea of 'some road biking' and mine were polar opposites. Attached to the back of his Specialized mountain bike was a fully loaded bike bag, two water bottles, some fancy looking handle bars and his pedals weren't normal looking either. Later I'd learn that those fancy pedals required fancy shoes that 'clipped' into the pedals.
"Do you have water?" he asked while tightening his ponytail under his helmet.
"Yeah," I nodded to the Aquafina bottle I'd duct taped to my handle bars.
"You know water cages are like five bucks. Eight, if you get the really good kind."
"Right. I'll keep that in mind."
He just shrugged and started off.
"When you start to go up a hill down shift so you are peddling at the same rate you are now. Once you start to go downhill shift to higher gears. You want to maintain the same amount of forces on the pedals at all times," I watched Brian's legs trying to mimic his steady rhythm.
"Also, I'd get a helmet." I tried to reply, but it was between breathing and talking and I choose breathing.
We were traveling on Country Road 550 from Marquette to Big Bay. The road really should have been named Rural Rough You Up Road 550. Pot holes, a non-existent shoulder and blind corners was the course of my first 'road bike trip'. I made a note to buy a helmet the next afternoon. B.J. led the way, his white t-shirt and green gym shorts billowing out behind him. I tried to mimic my cadence after his steady one, but the distance between us lengthened. Ahead was a small hill. Concentrating on B.J. I tried to keep up with him, but I lost sight of him around the wide curve at the top of the hill. I was at least a minute behind. When I finally crested the hill and corner he was waiting for me.
"Hills are evil," I gasped. B.J. had a full smile plastered on his face.
"I look at it this way. Hills are like your life. The more you dread them, the harder they are. You are just have to tell yourself you are going to get to the top and don't stop. Sure at first your thighs are burning like hell and your mind is screaming to stop, but once you get past that, you just go numb and all you thinking about it biking. Each hill makes you stronger for the next one. Just like life. Everything you do makes you stronger." B.J. re-clipped and started off again.
It did not take us two hours to make it to Wetmore Landing. Instead it took about 45 minutes. Following a trail that traced Lake Superior, we biked to an outcropping of rocks. It was almost July and the sun was finally taking the winter chill out of the smooth black rocks. Sitting on the edge of the rocks a cool mist from the Lake rose and covered my bare legs leaving me covered in goose bumps. Next to me B.J. was leaning back with his face raised to the sun.
"Truthfully, I didn't think you'd make it past five miles," he confessed.
"Why did you ask me to come then?"
"To see if you'd do it."
I studied a black lump along the shoreline and asked, "Isn't that Little Presque Isle?"
"How far away is it do you think?"
"About another three or four miles, I think, if you follow the road."
We both sat in silence.
"You know we'll end up in Big Bay if we aren't careful," I joked.
"We have two months before staff training starts. What else are you doing this summer?"
"Nothing." That summer we rode our bikes twice to Big Bay, fifty-five miles round trip both times.
We joked that there was nothing to do that summer. That's why we rode endless miles every week-- we were bored. The truth was I was chasing B.J. trying to find the peace that he appeared to be at with his colitis. I wanted to see my life as a series of hills that were just making me stronger for a larger challenge. But I couldn't. I was becoming weaker. I was losing more blood. I ignored his advice to not fuck around and take care of myself.
Two months after my last Big Bay trip I passed out in the shower.
July 30, 2009
It's Only a Weed if You Don't Think It's Pretty
July 27, 2009
When You Lay in Clover Beware of Bees
July 24, 2009
The Missing Grain
July 23, 2009
Blog It
July 20, 2009
Canine Cool Down
Distance: 11.67 miles
Time: 57 minutes
Weather: 67 and sunny
Power Song: Dashboard by Modest Mouse
July 19, 2009
Day Lilly Blossoms Only Bloom One Day
My driveway is lined with day lilies. I love them. They are pretty. They are hardy and don't require a lot of time on my part. Their blossoms only bloom for one day, yet, each plant has several blossoms to display. Within a few years they spread and claim an area as their own. There are several varieties. And they are resilient.
Yesterday's post was heavy and I feel it necessary to tell you that's how I felt at the time. I was 24, had just ended a three year relationship, was recovering from a colectomy, worried about my academic future and had years worth of denial crashing down on me. In light of that, I think I was in rather high spirits!
Also, it didn't last.
I can only lick my wounds for so long before my optimistic side takes over. However, I would be lying if I said I still don't have times where a lot of those old thoughts rise up. This past week was a rough one for me. I just didn't feel well. My abdomen ached and that repeat pain in my side was back. Motrin wasn't enough to take care of all the aches. It was hard to sleep because I couldn't get comfortable, but once I did, I was out for 9-11 hours. Sleep is usually my indicator that something is up. When I feel great I sleep 7 to 8 hours, but when I'm not feeling well that bumps up several hours, plus I can take a nap in the afternoon.
Obviously, taking an afternoon nap and going to work took up the majority of my time last week, so I didn't train for Get Your Guts in Gear. But that was last week, and I'm going to deadhead it like I do my day lilies. I might have missed one week, but I still have I lifetime ahead of me and I'm not going to miss out mourning for one lost week. Colitis has made me resilient.
July 18, 2009
July 15, 2009
You can always go home, but how long do you want to stay?
Distance: 15.46 miles
Time: 1 hour 3 minutes
Weather: 72 degrees w/83% humidity
Power Song: Sabotage by Beastie Boys
July 12, 2009
At What Point In a Vacation Do You Relax?
Training: Week 7, Day 1
Distance: 8 miles
Time: 1 hour
Weather: Sunny and gorgeous
Power Song: Conversation with Eric
I don't know what I've been doing the last two weeks, but it hasn't been training. I of course had great intentions to follow my plan, but then this little thing call My Life crept into my schedule.
July 7, 2009
Biking the Great North
Today was another power ride. I was scheduled to ride for an 1 1/2 hours, but cut it short so I could spend more time with the girls. Riding in Atlanta (Michigan) was a nice change of scenery. I've been getting bored with my routes at home and my current routes are pretty flat. Around Jen's house there were plenty of long sloping hills which were a nice challenge. Tackling those few hills did make me realize I need to work more hills into my training. I was winded after the first two hills and really they weren't all that big.
July 6, 2009
Time: 30 minutes
Power Song: Cocaine Blues by Johnny Cash, sung by Joaquin Phoenix
July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
June 29, 2009
Gears and Guts Both Need Liquids to Keep Moving
June 27, 2009
Let the Healing Begin
April 2004- So now what? How does one go about healing?
Do you sit around on the couch, watching television and let your body go at it? I can't do that, I'd die of boredom before the week was out.
Do you start out with slow walks along the river listening to Enya? Okay, time to reveal a deep dark secret that's even more embarrassing than my Angry Ass issues. I own every Enya CD, including holiday specials.
Do I clean out the self-help section of the library? I do read a lot of 'relationship' books... but usually my 'relationship books' involving a dashing lord and a brave heroine in a great dress.
Do I call one of the 1-900 physic hot lines? This one is out. I don't have a job and I don't think I can mow enough of my Dad's lawn to make up for one phone session.
Maybe following a 12 step program would help: Step One: I admitted I was powerless to my disease and that my life was no longer manageable. Check. Step Two: I've come to believe that a power greater than me could restore me to sanity.... Okay, well I don't think I was insane, so does this one really apply to me? I guess the 12 step program is out.
I'd been in denial for three years and now that I'd accepted that I was sick, I didn't know what to do. Worst yet, I'm not a person of inaction. 'Just being' is a mindset that has always been incomprehensible to me. Concepts don't 'sink in' with me unless I'm distracted by something else. For me meditating leads to brooding, which leads to over thinking, that then knots itself into a complex bitter little ball. No sitting around my parent's house, watching television and 'just being' for the summer was not going to work for me. But I was too sick to lead my old life. So where do I go?
And within hours of moving back in with my parents my denial morphed into anger.
June 25, 2009
When It's Time to Go, It's Time to Go
Training: Week 4, Day 2
Distance: 25.3 miles
Time: 1 hour 53 minutes
Weather: 80 w/ 60% humidity
Power Song: Supermodel by Rue Paul (If you've hesitant about Rue Paul I recommend listening at mile 12 of 25 as you are tackling a hill).
I realize that I left my Angry Ass story hanging with the post Living in a Toilet Paper House While It's Raining (June 13). Since my only thoughts today were, "Keep pedeling, keep pedeling, keep pedeling", this is a good place to continue with my story. Also, after some feedback I discover that it may be confusing to tell when I'm talking about present events versus past events. Anything that happened in the past will be dated and be in italics.
"Amber, you look like you shouldn't be here." (Students were allowed to call teacher's by their first names, in fact, my students didn't even know my last name.)
That night I called my parents and made arrangements for them to come get me. I then called my university advisor and told him I was withdrawing. I couldn't finish out the last three weeks. He was very supportive. However, I couldn't make that last call to my supervising teacher to tell her I was leaving. I knew she'd try to guilt me out of it. Maybe that's why I called my parents first. They were the fuse for this change of events, once they started there would be no going back. In the end my mom called for me. It was easier than I thought it would be to allow someone else to think for me.
That night I had two calls from people I worked with at the school, all trying to talk me out of leaving. They said things like, "You'll regret not finishing." "You are so close, just tough it out."
I finally got mad. Really mad. How dare they question my right to get better. Sure, I'd abused myself to the point of exhaustion, but they had no right to call me and try and talk me into staying. Where they not listening at the staff meeting when I talked about my emergency air ride to Grand Rapids? Did they not hear me vomiting in the bathroom and see the dark circles under my eyes? How can they be supportive of someone that has fallen off the wagon four times, but have no compassion for me?
Looking back I realize that my angry was also self anger. How dare I question my right to get better. Was I not paying attention when I was aero-medded to Grand Rapids? Did I think it was normal to vomit in the bathroom between classes? Did I think the dark circles under my eyes were typical for student teachers? How I could I encourage teenagers to keep working at their own problems, when I couldn't even take care of myself?
June 23, 2009
Summer Haze
June 18, 2009
Canadian Invasion
Myself, Shemp & Marcia Check out those bags!
Training: Week 3, Day 4
Distance: 15 miles
Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Weather: 72, Overcast & humid
Power Song: no music today
June 16, 2009
Zen and the Art of Riding with Hemorrhoids
Training: Week 3, Day 2
Distance: 13 miles
Time: 1 hour
Weather: 79 & Muggy
Song: Lights by the Editors
'June Snow'
The exhilaration for training leveled itself out today-- I forgot how hard it is to climb back on the bike after you've been off for a week! I'm experiencing some of Week One's general aches and pains, and I feel really slow. By Friday I should back on track, but for now I'm a smidgen sore.
June 15, 2009
Back in the Saddle
June 13, 2009
Living in a Toliet Paper House While It's Raining
Time: 0
Distance: 0
Power Song: Hometown Glory by Adele