July 7, 2009

Biking the Great North

Yes, I'm aware that I'm one of the few people that can pull off a button up sweater and big jewelry while hiking. It's a talent.

Two of the most inspiring women I know.

Training: Week 6, Day 2
Distance: 13 miles
Time: 53 minutes
Weather: Overcast
Power Song: no music (I forgot my earphones!)
Location: Atlanta, MI (Elk Capital of Michigan)

Today was another power ride. I was scheduled to ride for an 1 1/2 hours, but cut it short so I could spend more time with the girls. Riding in Atlanta (Michigan) was a nice change of scenery. I've been getting bored with my routes at home and my current routes are pretty flat. Around Jen's house there were plenty of long sloping hills which were a nice challenge. Tackling those few hills did make me realize I need to work more hills into my training. I was winded after the first two hills and really they weren't all that big.
The Get Your Guts in Gear's Facebook page says the route for the Midwest ride will start in Libertyville, IL head north to Wisconsin, wrap around Lake Geneva, WI, and loop back to Libertyville. The word is that this ride is less hilly than the New York and Seattle rides, but will still pass through rolling farmland and country roads. In other words, I need to get my guts off flat city bike trails and onto some rolling country roads.