July 21, 2009
So, you may have noticed that I haven't been blogging for the last three weeks. The reason is simple, we've been a little... er... distracted around here. After three, yes count them, three pregnancy tests, I found out I was pregnant on July 21st.
So, you may have noticed that I haven't been blogging for the last three weeks. The reason is simple, we've been a little... er... distracted around here. After three, yes count them, three pregnancy tests, I found out I was pregnant on July 21st.
And I couldn't be more thrilled! In fact, I'm still floating around on Cloud Nine.
So how does this effect my ride. Well, first I called my doctor to find out what she thought medically. Medically speaking I'm clear to ride. There are some restrictions. Number one my heart rate has to stay below 140 beats per minute. Also, I need to be extra sure to stay hydrated and if I don't feel well, stop.
Okay, so in the first few days of glowing pregnancy I thought this all sounded very reasonable. I normally train with my heart in the 160 range, so dropping it 20 beats per minutes shouldn't be a problem. Right?
Yeah, right.
So as you may notice after July 21 my time and distance significantly dropped. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be to keep my heart rate below 140. I mean seriously, grandmas on their way to get ice cream were passing me. But I was still riding and committed to Get Your Guts in Gear. Just because I was averaging 9 miles an hours on flat bike paths doesn't mean I couldn't still ride.... and at that pace I'd be riding all day.
Then this little thing called pregnancy hit.
And I started sleeping. Then sleeping a little longer. It took a lot of effort to get up, wash and go to work, much less swing my leg over a bike saddle.
And then a little bit of reality hit me. Do I really want ride 210 miles over 3 days while tent camping, all during my first pregnancy?
To be honest, the answer is no. I'm not what you'd call a roughing it type. When it's for charity and raising awareness I'm on board. But add to that I'm sleeping 10 hours a day, bloated and craving copious amounts of rare steak smothered in dark chocolate, not so much.
So I've decided to not ride in the 2009 Get Your Guts In Gear Midwest Ride.
But I do think the best way to lose baby weight would be to train for the 2010 Midwest Ride. After all, my due date is March 26... that leaves me plenty of time to get up and get going, and I think little Ambric would enjoy being pulled in a baby trailer.